Hannah Bronwyn

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Wedding Ettiquette: Who Covers the Costs of the Bridal Party's Makeup & Hair?

Weddings are memorable celebrations filled with joy and love, but there's often a question that comes up during the planning process: Who should bear the expenses for the bridal party's makeup and hair? While there is no strict rule governing this matter, understanding the traditional etiquette and modern practices can help navigate this question.

Traditional Etiquette

Traditionally, the responsibility for the cost of their attire and grooming, including makeup and hairstyling, falls upon the members of the bridal party. This means each individual in the bridal party should budget for their own makeup and hair services, considering it part of their commitment to the wedding.

However, this traditional etiquette is not set in stone and can be influenced by cultural norms and individual circumstances.

Modern Practices

In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift away from rigid adherence to traditional wedding etiquette. Many couples today adopt a more flexible and considerate approach toward the financial responsibilities of their bridal party. As a result, the bride and groom may choose to cover or contribute to the expenses of their bridal party's makeup and hairstyling. Let's delve into some of the contemporary practices:

Bride and Groom Cover Costs

A growing number of couples opt to pay for their bridal party's makeup and hairstyling as a gesture of appreciation for their role in the wedding. This gesture can alleviate financial stress on the bridal party.

Shared Costs

Some couples and bridal party members agree to a shared cost arrangement. Under this system, both the couple and the bridal party contribute a portion of the expenses.

Choice for the Bridal Party

In this approach, each member of the bridal party has the choice to decide whether they desire professional makeup and hairstyling. Those who choose these services are expected to pay for them, while those who prefer to handle their own makeup and hair do not have a financial obligation.

Cultural Variations

Certain cultures adhere to specific customs regarding who should cover the costs of the bridal party's makeup and attire. It's crucial to respect and honor these cultural traditions.

Effective Communication

Irrespective of the financial arrangement, open and transparent communication is key. Couples and bridal party members should engage in discussions about financial responsibilities and expectations to avoid misunderstandings. Consider the following communication tips:


Clearly define who is responsible for the costs of the bridal party's makeup and hairstyling from the beginning of the planning process.

Respect Budget Differences

Recognize that members of the bridal party may have varying financial resources, and be considerate of their budgets when making decisions.

Offer Alternatives

If it's the responsibility of the bridal party to cover their grooming expenses, provide options like the choice to do their own makeup and hair or select more budget-friendly services.

The question of who should pay for the bridal party's makeup at a wedding ultimately depends on the couple's preferences, the expectations of the bridal party, and individual financial circumstances. Modern practices suggest that the couple should cover the costs of their wedding party’s hair and makeup, in understanding of the financial commitment that the wedding party inherently undertakes. The key is open and honest communication to reach a mutual agreement that respects everyone's financial situation and expectations. The ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone looks and feels their best on the special day without imposing undue financial burdens.